Second Module: Data Structures and Algorithms

JUST manage to move on from CSC, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)is one of the hardest module yet. As my friend working at Google USA say, “You can get an interview question on Breath-First Search at Google!” In this module, we get to learn, some of the most common data structures that Computer Science students always talk about. Hash Tables. Skiplist. Binary Search Trees. AVL Tree. Set. Maps. Trees. Queues. Stack. ArrayList. On top of these, we get some good exercises on Mathematical Proof by Induction. Why Proof by Induction? As things are, recursion are commonly used in some of the methods of these data structures and Proof by Induction has a close relationship to it. Big-Oh notations are also frequently mention in this module. Parting words about DSA: Efficieny and Complexity.

A huge thanks to Mr. Lim as well. Mr. Lim has taught me from Prep course to CSC and now to DSA. I have to say I have learnt alot from him. He is not only entertaining at times but he has a talent to explain big concepts in simple terms. Very ideal for beginners or students that do not have a strong programming background. Unfortunately, DSA will be the last module that Mr. Lim will teach me as he is not teaching any other modules. The future lecturers are most likely to be professors flying in from our Adelaide Campus. All the best Mr. Lim. Still hope to see you around and in NAA for many more years to come!

Course Text: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java by Mark A. Weiss